M.Com Entrance Auditing Scanner – CUET

CUCET M.Com Entrance 2019

  1. The statutory auditors of the company are appointed by________.
    (a) Share holders in annual general meeting
    (b) Company law board
    (c) Board of directors
    (d) Central government
  2. The word audit is derived from the Latin word______________.
    (a) Audire
    (b) Auditorium
    (c) Auditor
    (d) Auditire
  3. The process of checking the account books is known as____________.
    (a) Book keeping &Accounting
    (b) Auditor
    (c) Auditing
    (d) Inspection
  4. The Auditing done at the end of the year is called___________.
    (a) Continuous Audit
    (b) Annual audit
    (c) Interim audit
    (d) Special audit
  5. When the audit of accounts is carried on by the salaried staff appointed by the business unit. It is called_______.
    (a) Continuous audit
    (b) Annual audit
    (c) Internal audit
    (d) Special audit
  6. The system whereby the work of an employee is subjected to an independent check by another employee is called
    (a) External audit
    (b) Internal check
    (c) Internal audit
    (d) External check

CUCET M.Com Entrance 2020

  1. The main object of the audit is to ensure that the _______________ of the relevant financial year truly and fairly reflect the state of affairs of the company.
    (a) Statement of accounts
    (b) Trial Balance
    (c) Revenue Statement
    (d) None of these
  2. TDS means
    (a) Time Deposit Scheme
    (b) Total Deposit Scheme
    (c) Tax Deducted at Source
    (d) None of the above

CUCET M.Com Entrance 2021

  1. “Auditor is a Watchdog and not a Bloodhound” decision was given in case of
    (a) London and General Bank, 1895
    (b) Irish Woolen Company Limited Vs. Tyson and others, 1990
    (c) Kingston Cotton Mills Company, 1896
    (d) Foster Vs. The New Trinidad Lake Asphalte Co. Ltd.
  2. The management auditor,s work begins
    (a) after the work of a statutory auditor ends
    (b) before the work of a statutory auditor begins
    (c) varies from firm to firm
    (d) after the suggestions for target

CUCET M.Com Entrance – 2022

  1. Internal Auditor is appointed and removed by the
    (a) Management
    (b) Share holders
    (c) Government
    (d) C.A.G.
  2. Detection of errors and fraud in audit is :
    (a) Primary objective
    (b) Secondary objective
    (c) Specific objective
    (d) Non-relevant objective